纽卡斯尔-渥太华量表(Newcastle-Ottawa Scale, NOS)是评价观察性研究的常用工具之一,适用于病例对照研究和队列研究。本文重点讲述病例对照研究的NOS评价标准。
关键词:Meta分析; 队列研究质量评价; 病例对照研究质量评价; 观察性研究质量评价; 纽卡斯尔-渥太华量表; NOS量表
NOS量表包含研究对象选择、可比性、结局测量3个方面,共8个条目,评价采用计分制。除Comparability (组间可比性)最高可计2分外,其余条目均最高可计1分,满分为9分,分值越高表示研究质量越高。
Bias domain 偏倚域 | Signalling question 条目 | Response options 回答选项 |
Selection 译文:研究对象选择 | 1. Is the case definition adequate | ① Yes, with independent validation (one star); ② Yes, eg record linkage or based on self reports; ③ No description |
译文:1. 病例确定是否恰当 | 译文:①是的,有独立的确定方法或人员(得1分);②是的,如基于档案资料记录或自我报告;③未描述 | |
2. Representativeness of the cases | ① Consecutive or obviously representative series of cases (one star); ② Potential for selection biases or not stated | |
译文:2. 病例的代表性 | 译文:①连续或有代表性的系列病例(得1分);②有潜在选择偏倚或未描述 | |
3. Selection of Controls | ① Community controls (one star); ② Hospital controls; ③ No description | |
译文:3. 对照的选择 | 译文:①来自社区(全人群)的对照(得1分);②以住院人群为对照;③未描述 | |
4. Definition of Controls | ① No history of disease (endpoint) (one star); ② No description of source | |
译文:4. 对照的确定 | 译文:①无研究终点的目标疾病史(得1分);②未描述来源 | |
Comparability 译文:组间可比性 | Comparability of cases and controls on the basis of the design or analysis | ① Study controls for __________(Select the most important factor.) (one star); ② Study controls for any additional factor(one star) (This criteria could be modified to indicate specific control for a second important factor.) |
译文:设计和统计分析时考虑病例和对照的可比性,以控制混杂因素 | 译文:①研究控制了最重要的混杂因素____________(得1分);②研究控制了任何其他的混杂因素(此条可以进行修改用以具体说明控制的第二重要因素) (得1分) | |
Exposure 译文:暴露因素的测量 | 1. Ascertainment of exposure | ① Secure record (eg surgical records) (one star); ② Structured interview where blind to case/control status (one star); ③ Interview not blinded to case/control status; ④ Written self report or medical record only; ⑤ No description |
译文:1. 暴露因素的确定 | 译文:①明确的档案资料记录(如外科手术记录)(得1分);②采用结构式访谈且不知被访者是病例或对照(得1分);③采用未实施盲法的访谈(即知道病例或者对照的情况);④仅为书面自我报告或主诉记录;⑤未描述 | |
2. Same method of ascertainment for cases and controls | ① Yes (one star); ② No | |
译文:2. 采用相同的方法确定病例和对照组的暴露因素 | 译文:①是(得1分);②否 | |
3. Non-Response rate | ① Same rate for both groups (one star); ② Non respondents described; ③ Rate different and no designation | |
译文:3. 无应答率 | 译文:①病例和对照组无应答率相同(得1分);②描述了无应答者的情况;③病例和对照组无应答率不同且未描述 |
注:本文内容是参考相关文献后对纽卡斯尔-渥太华量表(Newcastle-Ottawa Scale, NOS)的概述,仅代表本网站观点。关于NOS 的更多内容详见网站
https://www.ohri.ca/programs/clinical_epidemiology/oxford.asp或论文Newcastle-Ottawa Scale: comparing reviewers' to authors' assessments