队列研究质量评价——纽卡斯尔-渥太华量表(Newcastle-Ottawa Scale, NOS)

发布于 2024年6月30日 星期日 18:27:56 浏览:2107

纽卡斯尔-渥太华量表(Newcastle-Ottawa Scale, NOS)是评价观察性研究的常用工具之一,适用于病例对照研究和队列研究。本文重点讲述队列研究的NOS评价标准。

关键词:Meta分析; 队列研究质量评价; 病例对照研究质量评价; 观察性研究质量评价; 纽卡斯尔-渥太华量表; NOS量表


NOS量表包含研究对象选择、可比性、结局测量3个方面,共8个条目,评价采用计分制。除Comparability (组间可比性)最高可计2分外,其余条目均最高可计1分,满分为9分,分值越高表示研究质量越高。


Bias domain
Signalling question
Response options
1. Representativeness of the exposed cohort① Truly representative (one star); ② Somewhat representative (one star); ③ Selected group; ④ No description of the derivation of the cohort
译文:1. 暴露组的代表性译文:①对暴露人群具有很好的代表性(得1分);②对暴露人群具有一定程度的代表性(得1分);③仅能代表某类人群;④未描述暴露组来源(代表性)情况
2. Selection of the non-exposed cohort ① Drawn from the same community as the exposed cohort (one star); ② Drawn from a different source; ③ No description of the derivation of the non exposed cohort
译文:2. 非暴露组的选择译文:①与暴露组来自相同的人群(得1分);②与暴露组来自不同人群;③未描述非暴露组来源(代表性)情况
3. Ascertainment of exposure① Secure record (e.g., surgical record) (one star); ② Structured interview (one star); ③ Written self report; ④ No description; ⑤ Other
译文:3. 暴露因素的确定译文:①明确的档案资料记录(如外科手术记录)(得1分);②结构式访谈(得1分);③研究对象自我报告;④未描述;⑤其他
4. Demonstration that outcome of interest was not present at start of study① Yes (one star); ② No
译文:4. 明确在研究起始时未发生结局事件译文:①是(得1分);②否
Comparability of cohorts on the basis of the design or analysis controlled for confounders ① The study controls for age, sex and marital status (one star); ② Study controls for other factors (list) ________________(one star); ③ Cohorts are not comparable on the basis of the design or analysis controlled for confounders
1. Assessment of outcome ① Independent blind assessment (one star); ② Record linkage (one star); ③ Self report;  ④ No description ; ⑤ Other
译文:1. 结局评价是否充分译文:①盲法独立评价(得1分);②基于记录资料评价(得1分);③自我报告;④未描述;⑤其他
2. Was follow-up long enough for outcomes to occur① Yes (one star); ② No Indicate the median duration of follow-up and a brief rationale for the assessment above:____________________
译文:2. 随访时间是否足够长译文:①是(得1分);②否注明中位随访时间和上述评价的简要理由:________________
3. Adequacy of follow-up of cohorts① Complete follow up- all subject accounted for (one star); ② Subjects lost to follow up unlikely to introduce bias- number lost less than or equal to 20% or description of those lost suggested no different from those followed (one star); ③ Follow up rate less than 80% and no description of those lost; ④ No statement
译文:3. 暴露组和非暴露组的随访是否充分译文:①对所有研究对象进行了完整的随访(得1分);②有少量的研究对象失访(低于20%),或失访比例不太可能引入偏倚(失访者和未失访者之间重要特征无差异)(得1分);③随访率低于80%,无失访描述;④未描述随访情况

注:本文内容是参考相关文献后对纽卡斯尔-渥太华量表(Newcastle-Ottawa Scale, NOS)的概述,仅代表本网站观点。关于NOS 的更多内容详见网站(https://www.ohri.ca/programs/clinical_epidemiology/oxford.asp)或论文Newcastle-Ottawa Scale: comparing reviewers' to authors' assessments 。

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